Jasminum sambac (1) Peach (2) RT (1) apple (9) blog (2) bsatos (2) floral traits (1) js (1) plum (4) rice (2) val (1)

 Jasminum sambac (1)

Jasminum sambac and Oleaceae genome evolution in MER

 Peach (2)

Key Genes Controlling Peach Pollen Fertility
Key Genes Controlling Peach Pollen Fertility

 RT (1)

Phylogeny-based classification of plant retrotransposons

 apple (9)

juvenility-determined control
juvenility-determined control
Phylogeny-based classification of plant retrotransposons
Apple Genomics
Apple Genomics
Parallel Bud Mutation Sequencing in Malus
Parallel Bud Mutation Sequencing in Malus
Apple Gene Mapping
Apple Gene Mapping

 blog (2)

Jasmine Genomics
Valcano--The pipeline to characterize the LTR-RTs family, classify and predict the burst families

 bsatos (2)

BSATOS in Journal of Advanced Research
BSATOS in Journal of Advanced Research

 floral traits (1)

Jasminum sambac and Oleaceae genome evolution in MER

 js (1)

Jasmine Genomics

 plum (4)

Chinese plum Genome
Chinese plum Genome
Genetic diversity analysis of Chinese plum (Prunus salicina L.) based on whole-genome resequencing
Genetic diversity analysis of Chinese plum (Prunus salicina L.) based on whole-genome resequencing

 rice (2)

Nature---Asian cultivated rice Genomics
Nature---Asian cultivated rice Genomics

 val (1)

Valcano--The pipeline to characterize the LTR-RTs family, classify and predict the burst families